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Watch this video to learn the proper connector mating and unmating methods for Bridgelux LED arrays. The Bridgelux Vero® Series of LED arrays allows the use of a wire harness with a connector. Regardless the size of the array, the connector and the mating process is the same.

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Bridgelux LED arrays contain robust semiconductor technology, but they must be handled with care to ensure proper performance and reliability. Watch this video to learn how to remove Bridgelux LED arrays from their shipping trays and how to handle the arrays safely. Also learn about the specific equipment recommended for handling and cleaning the arrays.

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Watch this video to learn how to solder wires to Bridgelux LED arrays. Although the soldering process remains the same across all Bridgelux LED arrays, you will learn about the slight nuances you may encounter depending on the array you are using.

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A properly attached thermocouple is required to accurately measure case temperature, which can indicate whether the luminaire design is successful or one that will pose significant risk of failure when installed. Watch this video to learn how thermocouples are used to measure the case temperature of Bridgelux LED arrays.

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TIMs are used to ensure a strong thermal connection between the LED array substrate and the heatsink or fixture. In this video, we’ll cover three common styles of TIMs: thermal pads, phase change materials, and thermal grease.


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